
A territory
to be explored



With its fifteen kilometers of amber sand, it is one of the busiest coasts in Italy. The beach, with its gentle slope to the shore, its shallow, sandy seabed, its typical piers and its sea that has been awarded the famous Blue Flag for years, is the perfect setting for an unforgettable couple’s holiday.

In addition to being one of the best known beaches internationally, Jesolo is a city that lives all year round, thanks to a rich calendar of cultural, sporting and food and wine events.

Located a few kilometers from great cities of art such as Venice, Treviso and Padua, the city can boast a privileged geographical position and be the starting point for trips and excursions among the wonders of Veneto.

With its three tourist centers – the Center, the Lighthouse and the Pineta – Jesolo offers its guests natural landscapes and countless opportunities for recreation. Beaches equipped for relaxing sunbathing and sports contests, a pine forest that invites you to stroll immersed in the quiet, the countryside crossed by the placid waterways of the Sile and Piave. There are numerous proposals for free time: five docks for those who love navigation, sailing schools, windsurfing, canoeing, diving courses, tennis schools, multifunctional areas for basketball, volleyball and football, minigolf, the water park number one in Italy, a karting track approved for world championship races and an infinite number of bicycles for hire, for those who want to discover the countryside and the hinterland through the numerous cycle paths.


In Veneto, in the waters of the Adriatic, there is one of the most evocative places in the world, a treasure trove of inestimable riches: the Venice lagoon. In the heart of this priceless heritage stands the Serenissima, with its canals surmounted by characteristic bridges and crossed by gondolas, its monuments, its squares, the narrow alleys and the water that flows silently at its feet.

And around her a corolla of small islands, with a multifaceted charm, where history and art blend with ancient crafts and the beauty of the sea. A charm that we also find in the hinterland, where a multitude of paths wind through the green of nature, along the placid rivers, passing through towns rich in history and fabulous villas.

A land that can also be tasted through its flavors, with typical dishes and a precious “wine list”.
And there are also many leisure opportunities: outdoor sports, nightlife in the many worldly clubs and shopping in the characteristic craft shops where you can buy characteristic souvenirs.


Veneto is a land of a thousand wonders. The cultural heritage of the cities of art is combined with the great natural heritage that makes Veneto a region to be experienced between the earth and the sky.

From the beautiful Dolomites to cities of art such as Venice and Verona. Veneto is a region to be discovered that will leave you speechless.

Living Michelangelo


Se Jesolo è famosa in tutto il mondo per la sua spiaggia, lo è altrettanto per avere l’isola pedonale più lunga d’Europa.

La centrale Via Bafile offre un’ampia scelta di shopping e divertimento per tutti i gusti. Da botteghe artigianali a boutiques d’alta moda, street food di qualità e molto altro. Tutto assume un’atmosfera ancora più magica dopo le ore 20:00, quando Via Bafile diventa area pedonale e le luci colorate delle insegne dei negozi regalano magici momenti.

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In vacanza più che mai c’è il bisogno di rilassarsi e farsi coccolare.

Cosa c’è di meglio di un centro benessere poco distante dal mare dove farsi coccolare fra massaggi, saune e piscine?

Per chi è di passaggio o per chi si trattiene più di qualche giorno i centri Beauty & Wellness di Jesolo permetteranno di tornare a casa rilassati ed in ottima forma.

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Sport & Fit

Se cercate una vacanza attiva, Jesolo è strutturata per offrirvi il meglio dello sport e del fitness sotto il sole del nord est d’Italia.

Strutture ed impianti attrezzati per praticare attività sportive, come il Golf Club Jesolo, oppure eventi direttamente sulla spiaggia, fino a sani divertimenti come il running sul lungo mare o la pista ciclabile di Via Bafile, che accompagna tutto il litorale jesolano.

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La provincia di Treviso ancora oggi viene denominata con l’antico appellativo di “Marca”, termine medievale usato per indicare le terre di confine che nella Grande Guerra furono lo scenario di eroiche vicende.

Un territorio profondamente segnato dalle acque del Piave, del Sile e del Livenza con i loro suggestivi paesaggi fluviali che si intrecciano con le dolci colline e le verdi campagne costellate dalle eleganti residenze signorili.

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La provincia di Verona è situata nella parte sud occidentale della regione Veneto, a ridosso della sponda orientale del Lago di Garda, noto per la bellezza del suo paesaggio con verdi colline, dolci rilievi, piccole e grandi spiagge.

A completare questo splendido dipinto, piccoli borghi con caratteristiche case colorate e magnifiche ville, simbolo di un’antica e raffinata prosperità. Numerosi sono anche i castelli, le torri, gli eremi, i monasteri, i santuari e le antiche pievi romaniche sparsi su tutto il territorio veronese, testimonianze di notevole interesse artistico e storico.

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Al centro della pianura Veneta, tra laguna, colli e Prealpi, si trova la provincia di Padova, un insieme ricco di arte, cultura, sapori e tradizioni. Visitare la provincia di Padova significa scoprire una terra sorprendentemente ricca di storia, cultura, vitalità e ingegno, caratterizzata da una grande varietà di luoghi da vedere, sapori da gustare, persone da incontrare. Un territorio dove gente operosa ha sempre saputo rinnovare la tradizione storica e culturale.

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Cortina d’Ampezzo

La Regina delle Dolomiti, così viene chiamata Cortina d’Ampezzo, situata nel cuore delle Dolomiti, in un’ampia conca circondata da alte montagne che le fanno da cornice.

Il fascino del paesaggio e le tante attività sportive che offre, rendono questa splendida località una meta di eccellenza che per chi ama la montagna.

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If Jesolo is famous all over the world for its beach, it is equally famous for having the longest pedestrian area in Europe.

The central Via Bafile offers a wide choice of shopping and entertainment for all tastes. From craft shops to high fashion boutiques, quality street food and much more. Everything takes on an even more magical atmosphere after 20:00, when Via Bafile becomes a pedestrian area and the colored lights of the shop signs offer magical moments.

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On vacation more than ever there is a need to relax and be pampered.

What’s better than a wellness center not far from the sea where you can be pampered with massages, saunas and swimming pools?

For those who are passing through or for those who stay more than a few days, the Beauty & Wellness centers of Jesolo will allow you to return home relaxed and in excellent shape.

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Sport & Fit

If you are looking for an active holiday, Jesolo is structured to offer you the best of sport and fitness under the sun of the north east of Italy.

Structures and facilities equipped for practicing sports activities, such as the Jesolo Golf Club, or events directly on the beach, up to healthy entertainment such as running along the seafront or the Via Bafile cycle path, which accompanies the entire Jesolo coast.

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The province of Treviso is still called today with the ancient name of “Marca”, a medieval term used to indicate the border lands that were the scene of heroic events in the Great War.

An area deeply marked by the waters of the Piave, Sile and Livenza with their suggestive river landscapes that intertwine with the rolling hills and green countryside dotted with elegant stately residences.

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The province of Verona is located in the south-western part of the Veneto region, close to the eastern shore of Lake Garda, known for the beauty of its landscape with green hills, gentle hills, small and large beaches.

To complete this splendid painting, small villages with characteristic colorful houses and magnificent villas, a symbol of an ancient and refined prosperity. There are also numerous castles, towers, hermitages, monasteries, sanctuaries and ancient Romanesque churches scattered throughout the Veronese territory, evidence of considerable artistic and historical interest.

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In the center of the Venetian plain, between the lagoon, the hills and the Pre-Alps, lies the province of Padua, a whole rich in art, culture, flavors and traditions. Visiting the province of Padua means discovering a land surprisingly rich in history, culture, vitality and ingenuity, characterized by a great variety of places to see, flavors to taste, people to meet. A territory where industrious people have always known how to renew the historical and cultural tradition.

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Cortina d’Ampezzo

Risultati della traduzione The Queen of the Dolomites, as Cortina d’Ampezzo is called, located in the heart of the Dolomites, in a large basin surrounded by high mountains that frame it.

The charm of the landscape and the many sporting activities it offers make this splendid location a destination of excellence for those who love the mountains.

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Fall 2023

Discover the new experience packages

Equipment of the Suites

Internal equipment

Spacious bathroom
Piped music
Double sink
Fast Wi-Fi
Balcony or Terrace
32 “LCD TV
Outdoor furniture
Minibar and kettle
Living corner
Courtesy products
Flip flop
Air conditioning
Daily cleaning
Room service
Breakfast in the room

External equipment

Wide spaces
River View
Hydromassage pool
Restaurant and bar
Floating sun terrace
Sunbeds and umbrellas
EBikes Lamborghini pedal assist
Touring kayaks
Safe and video surveillance parking